<% crlf = chr(13) + chr(10) bodytext = "" bodytext = bodytext + "Name: " + Request.Form("firstname") + " " + Request.Form("lastname") + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Address 1: " + Request.Form("address1") + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Address 2: " + Request.Form("address2") + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "City: " + Request.Form("city") + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "State: " + Request.Form("state") + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Zip Code: " + Request.Form("zipcode") + crlf + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Home Phone: " + Request.Form("homephone") + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Work Phone: " + Request.Form("workphone") + crlf + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "E-mail: " + Request.Form("email") + crlf + cflf bodytext = bodytext + "Adults: " + Request.Form("adults") + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Children: " + Request.Form("children") + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Children Ages: " + Request.Form("childrenages") + crlf + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Daytime: " + Request.Form("homeswitch") + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Home Type: " + Request.Form("hometype") + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Home Ownership: " + Request.Form("ownerswitch") + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Big dogs allowed: " + Request.Form("rentopt") + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Yard Type: " + Request.Form("yardtype") + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Fence in Yard: " + Request.Form("fence") + crlf + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Pets owned: " + crlf + Request.Form("petsowned") + crlf + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "RR Owner: " + Request.Form("ownedrr") + crlf + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "RR Experience: " + crlf + Request.Form("experience") + crlf + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "RR Understanding: " + crlf + Request.Form("understanding") + crlf + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Temperment: " + crlf + Request.Form("temperament") + crlf + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Desired Gender: " + Request.Form("gender") + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Puppy Sleep Area: " + Request.Form("sleep") + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "RR Sleep Area: " + Request.Form("sleepgrown") + crlf + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Show: " if Request.Form("show") = "Show" then bodytext = bodytext + "X" end if bodytext = bodytext + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Obedience: " if Request.Form("obedience") = "Obedience" then bodytext = bodytext + "X" end if bodytext = bodytext + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Lure-coursing: " if Request.Form("lure-coursing") = "Lure-coursing" then bodytext = bodytext + "X" end if bodytext = bodytext + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Agility: " if Request.Form("agility") = "Agility" then bodytext = bodytext + "X" end if bodytext = bodytext + crlf + crlf bodytext = bodytext + "Comments: " + crlf + Request.Form("comments") + crlf + crlf Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") objNewMail.From = "info@sengei.com" objNewMail.To = "sengeiridgebacks@mac.com; bradley.jones@sas.com" 'Must give To parameter or addresses in Bcc show up in To Line of email exposing email addresses objNewMail.Cc = "crobbins@ctipc.com" objNewMail.Bcc = "" objNewMail.Subject = "Info Request" objNewMail.Body = bodytext objNewMail.Send Set objNewMail = nothing Response.Redirect "http://www.sengei.com" 'tempi = Request.Form("understanding") + " " 'tempo = "" 'do while len(tempi) > 0 ' x1 = instr(1,tempi,crlf) ' x2 = instr(1,tempi,chr(13)) ' x3 = instr(1,tempi,chr(10)) ' if x2 < x3 then ' x2 = x3 ' end if ' if x1 > 0 then ' tempo = tempo + left(tempi, x1 + 1) + " " ' tempi = mid(tempi, x1 + 2) ' end if ' if x1 = 0 and x2 > 0 then ' tempo = tempo + left(tempi, x2-1) + crlf + " " ' tempi = mid(tempi, x2 + 1) ' end if ' if x1 = 0 and x2 = 0 then ' tempo = tempo + tempi ' tempi = "" ' end if 'loop %>